In golf, as in other sports, there are many terms that to the uninitiated seem like magic spells. Some of them may never be useful. But other details, such as basic strokes and sticks, player positions, scoring rules, and competition formats, form the basis without which there is nothing to do on the field. Let’s try to figure it out.

The game is played on the golf course – a specially prepared area with heterogeneous terrain. The first stroke is made from the site, called the tee, and the last area with a hole, where you need to drive the ball, is the green – the area with the lowest grass. Most of the golf course is occupied by the fairway, covered with grass of medium height. And the area with the longest grass, where it is most difficult to hit the ball, is called a rough. Rough is not only a hole designed for driving the ball, but also an area from tee to green, which may be special traps of sand, water or grass, and natural obstacles in the form of rocks, twigs and even insects. The standard golf course consists of 18 holes.

The basic movement, consisting of swing, swing and direct hit, is called swing. It is the basic technique for all clubs except the putter and is the basis for hitting.

Drive is the very first shot a player takes on the hole. It is played from a special stand with the drive, the club with the longest shaft and the largest head at a small incline.

Golf strokes.
Chip – a short relatively low stroke, after which the ball rolls, covering a considerable distance. It is usually used near the green. For the chip usually use a wage club, which also knock the balls out of the bunker (sand trap) or iron club with a metal head, convenient for pulling the ball out of the high grass.
Pitch is a high strike to carry over an obstacle (raff, water or bunker), after which the ball slows down quickly and hardly moves. Also used next to the green and is performed with a special stick with a high angle of inclination – send-wedge.
Putt is a smooth rolling shot used to put the ball in the hole on the green. The putter is a pendulum swing rather than a swing.

Stroke on a perfectly flat and straight path called street. But due to various factors, the performance of such a stroke is very rare: there will always be a factor that prevents the ball from flying accurately.

Other types of strokes:

Hook is a right-handed shot with a straight shot in which the ball is strongly deflected to the left.
Slice is a right-handed shot in which the ball deflects strongly to the right after flying out in a straight line.
Dro – a shot from the right side of the bar with a straight out, after which the ball deflects slightly to the left.
Fade: A right-handed shot from a straight-ahead stance, which bounces the ball slightly to the right.
Pool: A kick from the right side stance, with the ball slightly to the left of the target.
Push – A kick from the right side of the bar with the ball flying to the right of the target.